Heifer International gives families throughout the developing world animals and know-how for sustaining themselves, their communities, and the environment. It is extremely cool: you can donate a hive of bees, or a trio of bunnies, or a quackful of ducks, and the world is a bit better off. Everyone who receives such a gift is required to pass it on to another family.
Therefore, this is a perfect Valentine's gift! I have received the gift of honeybees and love in my own life, and hopefully that sunshine has already reached somebody else.
I'm interested in bees & beekeepers. I've started to photograph bees that enjoy my wife's patio garden flowers.
She has a nice potted selection for the good weather season here in Southwestern PA. and I just started to blog. Your excellent site helped me decide to go with Blogger... and it came up weeks ago in a direct search.
I'm editing blogmarks today and just had to thank you both and post you exceptional blog efforts on my new site! Sincerely, KennethF ~(:-_))kfh
OK, I'm not much for V-Day, but this is SUCH a cool idea! I can guarantee that there will be gifts from Heifer going out from me in the future. Kudos to you, Mr. Duck!
Your blog contains wonderful photos, an interesting comp style as well as info on the mites problem... and a very deep content log. Reading everything is most likely at some future time! Thanks for the comment posting. I plan to feed my bees this summer and take super-mac photos. Please double check my editing of "City Bees" at the visitors blog and also note "For Bumble Bees Only" photo/art sample for bee lovers as me.
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